vendredi 14 novembre 2008

30 bonnes raisons pour avoir voté Obama

Bon, à la base, c'était 30 raisons de voter pour lui, mais parfois, dans la vie, il arrive qu'on prenne le train en route. C'est donc avec un peu de retard et grâce à Joanna (merci, Joanna!) que j'ai pris connaissance de ce site.

Le concept est simple, il s'agit en gros d'une campagne d'e-mailing pro-Obama, en 30 arguments (un par jour, donc) accompagnés de posters dessinés par 30 designers. La campagne a commencé le 5 octobre et s'est naturellement terminée le 4 novembre, avec une 31e raison de voter Barack Obama.

Bon, c'est évident que ça ne sert plus à grand chose de s'abonner au site. Mais ça reste intéressant de jeter un coup d'oeil aux oeuvres et aux commentaires des artistes. Voici quelques une de mes favorites.

Reason 0

There is no doubt that this is a critical moment in history. Americans need to educate themselves on the issues and recognize that Obama is the candidate who can save us from spiraling into a dangerous future. As John F Kennedy said, "The ignorance of one voter in a democracy impairs the security of all."

Melissa Jun
Brooklyn, New York

Reason 0

It's been a long eight years, and I'm tired. Tired of an administration that has failed in the face of every conceivable challenge; tired of an occupation of still to-be-determined length, costs, and consequences; and tired of the incompetence, unilateralism, and deception that pushed us into it. Mostly, though, I'm tired of seeing America beaten down, and I'm ready for a leader with the integrity, the guts, and the vision to help us get back up. That's why I'm voting for Barack Obama.

Adam Snetman
New York, New York

Reason 0

Four more years of Bush's policies? NO!!!

Seymour Chwast
New York, New York

Reason 0

“Obama's a terrorist, don't you know that?”
―Supporter at McCain-Palin rally in Ohio on YouTube
Barack Obama could be the most thoughtful, inclusive and intelligent president we have ever had. Finally.

Mike Strassburger
Seattle, Washington

Et la meilleure pour la fin:

Reason 0

After 8 years of catastrophic events resulting from the failed leadership of our current administration, Main Street is "Bushed". We are tired of the arrogance, greed, dishonesty and incompetence that has been so pervasive for what now seems to be an eternity. Our best chance of cleaning up the mess left in the wake of this bungling administration is to show our commitment to a future of change and reform by electing Barack Obama on November 4th.

Woody Pirtle
New Paltz, New York

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